Obtaining a green card through marriage can be complicated and time-consuming. If your spouse is a U.S. citizen and you’d like to establish permanent residency in the United States, The Law Offices of Jose Molina PLLC can help.
Based in the Houston, TX area, we help clients:
Discuss your situation with an experienced immigration attorney now by calling 281-919-1647.
Don't navigate the green card application process alone. You could miss important details. For example, if you leave the country before your application is approved, you may be denied.
If you're applying for a green card through marriage, turn to The Law Offices of Jose Molina. We have more than 18 years of experience and can guide you through the immigration system.
The Law Offices of Jose Molina PLLC, all rights reserved. 14505 Torrey Chase Blvd. Suite 305, Houston, Texas 77014 (281) 919-1647